Fashion and laser technology: the new trends for 2023

The combination of fashion and laser technology is destined to last and evolve into increasingly innovative forms. The advantages of laser processing in the clothing supply chain are countless, both from an economic and operational point of view, as well as from that of versatility and customization. The 2023 fashion trends confirm the partnership with a focus on experimentation and a particular attention to a more conscious and sustainable fashion. Here are some of the advantages that make the laser so irresistible for the future of fashion.

Works in motion: the search for uniqueness through laser processing

The first task of fashion is to translate the spirit of the time into unique and exclusive creations. Since laser technology has found a place in the industry, the possibilities of creating increasingly complex and surprising processes have multiplied. The laser allows you to mark fabrics with images, graphics and patterns of any type, faithfully reproducing any digital image. All in a few minutes and without the use of pollutant solvents. There are many fashion houses that have adopted laser for their creations, from Versace to Dior to emerging. An example is Chet Lo’s Bioluminescence collection in the 2023/2024 fashion shows, in which laser is used to create optical illusions and unique effects.

Creative and productive freedom: the technology at the service of the imagination

If haute couture has always been the realm of exclusivity, even prêt-à-porter fashion now requires a very high level of customization. The demand for more sophisticated and differentiated solutions has put a strain on fashion manufacturers. Laser technology has introduced a real revolution allowing even small and medium companies to keep up with a constantly changing market. The laser allows to produce unique effects on a large scale, with perfect repeatability, as on small samples, with a decisive reduction in costs. Results are collections in series or limited editions made quickly and with an affordable investment, even for companies outside of high fashion or with smaller distributions.

Speed and impeccable quality: the impossible becomes reality

In the past years, the fashion industry, as well as many others, was forced to choose between high quality workmanship and production speed. With the advent of laser, such a dichotomy no longer exists. The laser is the most precise technology par excellence and is able to greatly reduce production times. Not only the laser ensures the maintenance of a perfect quality even in large numbers, but also guarantees extreme versatility. In particular, the CO2 laser is used to process a wide range of materials that in the past required long hours of craftsmanship and finishing. Last but not least, the possibility of avoiding machine downtime to change tools brings a decisive operational advantage.

Towards a sustainable fashion: laser as a tool for the future

Beyond the production needs, the cost savings and the creative opportunities of laser technology, there is an aspect that becomes more and more essential in any industry. Sustainability of processes and supply chain. Fashion is certainly no exception and an example is the recent edition of Lineapelle 2023 that was held from 21 to 23 February at Fieramilano Rho. The concept presented by the Lineapelle Fashion Committee was based precisely on the need to “appropriate the most advanced technologies and methods in favour of man and nature”. Laser is in fact one of the main instruments of change. The laser technology allows to produce complex processes with very low consumption compared to traditional means. It also avoids the need to use polluting inks or solvents and eliminates material waste thanks to the extreme precision of the beam and the reduction of accidental damage.

Discover on our website the CO2 laser machine tailored to your needs or contact us to receive additional information.